Unlimited streaming, annual plan, no advertisements, unlimited video archive, renewal ga('send','pageview');
Livestream Platform Enterprise Discounted Renewal
Price: $9,588.00
MSRP: $14,995.00
    As low as .
    Click for details on equipment financing.

    Make an Offer
    • Save 5% with Coupon Code: PLATFORM5
    • Renewal of your current Enterprise plan.
    • Term starts at the end of your current plan.
    • Buy now. Will simply extend your subscription.
    • 1 Additional Year of Livestream Enterprise
    • No Ads
    • No Overages
    • No Limits
    • Hide Account and Events on Livestream.com
    • Password Protect Events
    • Event Page Facebook Application
    • Livestream Premium Phone Support (7 days / week)
    • Also available as a brand-new plan.
    • Click here for the Livestream Platform Enterprise Plan.
    Mfr # Livestream Platform Enterprise Renewal
    AS # B00LU6946Y

    Livestream Platform Enterprise Streaming - Annual Renewal

    No Ads, No Overages, No Limits

    The Livestream Platform Enterprise Yearly Plan is the top streaming service for professionals and corporations.

    Livestream Enterprise Plan offers password protected event, Geo-Blocking, Label Embedding with unlimited viewers, storage and event pages. The Enterprise yearly plan comes with highly scalable service packed with all the features you need to reach audiences across the web on almost any device and local publishing points for increased reliability, Google Analytics support, unlimited archiving and without any viewer login requirement.

    Features at a glance

    - Password Protected Events

    - Ad-free streaming

    - Ability to Disable Viewer Count, Chat and Commenting

    - Unlimited events

    - Unlimited on-demand embedding

    - Unlimited email support

    - Unlimited event archive

    - No login required to watch

    - Vanity event/account URL

    - Local publishing point

    - Event Page Facebook Application

    - Ability to hide viewer counts, chat and comments

    - Google Analytics integration

    Live Video Tools

    With the right software and hardware, anything is possible. That's why we've created an ecosystem of tools for producers to take their events to the next level. All Livestream-branded software and hardware is developed in-house. Everything we make works seamlessly with the Livestream platform.

    Live HD Video Player

    Want to stream crisp, clean, live HD video to any device and any size audience? Check out our Live HD Video Player. Whether on mobile devices or large screens, the player works seamlessly on any device and switches automatically to Adobe Flash on PCs, RTSP on Android and HTML5/HLS on iPhone. Video automatically adapts to the optimum quality for each viewer. Our Content Delivery Network (CDN) broadcasts your video to an audience of any size, all around the world. We record your live stream in the cloud, allowing you to post the recording immediately after your event ends. You can also cut and share instant highlights while the event is live. With our DVR feature, viewers can rewind the live stream to watch a moment they missed.

    Mobile Broadcasting

    You can't always have all of your gear with you, but that doesn't mean you can't use Livestream. Enjoy easy, fast mobile broadcasting with the Livestream for Producers iOS and Android app. It lets you broadcast live on the go, over 3G, 4G/LTE or Wi-Fi.

    Software Encoding

    Download Livestream for Producers Mac/PC for FREE. It's a professional software encoding solution that lets you stream live from USB cameras, FireWire, HDMI, HD-SDI, Composite and Component video sources. This solution gives you the highest quality H.264 video, AAC audio and HD multi-bitrate support, plus the software offers real-time updates on the quality of your stream.

    Live Blogging Tools

    Share the story of your live event using the industry's leading live blogging tools. Any text, images, or videos you post are instantly available for your viewer without having to refresh the page and each post can be shared across the web and major social destinations. It has never been easier to keep your fans engaged than with up-to-the minute coverage of your event.

    Mixed-Media & Posting

    With just one click, Livestream lets you post text, photos and video clips to your live event page from Livestream.com or the Livestream for Producers mobile app. Connect a DSLR camera to the app to post high quality photos in real-time. With Mobile Broadcasting, you can even broadcast live from your iPhone or Android device.


    Connect any DSLR camera with WiFi to PhotoPro. Edit, select and upload amazing pics of your event to your Live Event Page. With PhotoPro, you can also send high-res photos to your CloudApp, where press teams can edit and distribute them immediately. PhotoPro and Livestream are perfect for all kinds of events, including sports, fashion and music.

    Live Comments & Moderation

    Lead conversations or gently steer them in the right direction. With Livestream, viewers can post comments live, interact with events and exchange ideas with each other. Producers can start conversations, moderate chats and keep them on-track.


    Information provides insight. With Livestream, you can gain more of both by integrating your Google Analytics account with your Livestream account to learn more about your audience. See what drives traffic, where your viewers are located and which events are most popular.

    Community Building

    An engaged community is a valuable community. As a social destination, Livestream helps you build a loyal, relevant following. Engage your audience with great content that they can share across the web. Send out live event announcements, and encourage commenting during events. Our Live Blogging Tools and Live Event Pages let you create a completely immersive, social experience for viewers.

    Embedding & Sharing

    Easy embedding, simple sharing - that's how we help you connect your live event to the masses. Embed your on-demand video on your site, Facebook or Twitter, and your followers will have a robust viewing experience no matter where they are watching. Encourage your media partners, sponsors and viewers to share your videos and watch your audience grow.

    Live Video Integration

    Adding Live video to your Live blog is a snap. All blogging features on Livestream are fully integrated with our Live Video Tool. Whether you have a switched feed from the event or you are broadcasting live from the Livestream for Producers mobile app, simply go live, and the video player will drop down on your event page.

    Live Event Pages

    With each Livestream account, you receive a hosted Live Event Page that is fully brandable on Livestream.com. Whether you use our Live Video Tools or Live Blogging Tools, your event can be distributed across the web to almost any device .

    On Livestream

    As a producer on Livestream, you receive a hosted Live Event Page with a unique URL (livestream.com/youraccount/yourevent). This page is fully scalable for any size audience. Pages can be customized to align with your brand and feature custom tags, so your event gets discovered. Viewers can also follow your page and receive announcements about your events. Live Event Pages work on all browsers and mobile devices running iOS or Android.

    On Mobile & Tablet Devices

    Livestream Event Pages are compatible with all mobile and tablet devices. Pages update in real-time, just like they do on the web. The video supports HTML5 (HTTP Live Streaming) and automatically detects each viewer's device. The technology delivers a consistent viewing experience across all destinations, including your website, your Livestream Event Page and Facebook.


    Streaming Media Magazine - 2012 Readers' Choice Awards

    Livestream won 4 total awards for the following:

    - Best Live Video Streaming Service

    - Best Online Video Platform

    - Best Online Video Technology Company

    - Best Field Encoder (for Broadcaster)

    Livestream Platform Streaming Plan Comparison


    No Limits

    Viewers Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
    Storage Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
    Event Pages Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

    Advanced Control & Privacy

    Analytics for Livestream, Facebook Live, and YouTube
    - Yes
    Ability to Disable Viewer Count, Chat and Commenting - Yes Yes
    Password Protected Events - - Yes
    Hide Account and Events on Livestream.com - - Yes
    White Label Player and Embeds - - Yes
    Control Embedding Location - - Yes
    Google DFP Integration to Enable Pre-Roll Video Ads - - Yes
    Mid-Roll Ad Insertion Using Livestream StudioTM - - Yes
    Geo-Blocking - - Yes

    Player Features & Event Distribution

    Ad free Always Always Always
    Event and VOD archive Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
    Live Embedding - Unlimited Unlimited
    Stream to Facebook Live or YouTube - Yes Yes
    Cloud Recording Yes Yes Yes
    HD Video Player Featuring DVR and Adaptive Bitrate Yes Yes Yes
    Live Blogging Tools Yes Yes Yes
    Live Chat with Moderation Yes Yes Yes
    Local Publishing Server Yes Yes Yes
    Vanity Account and Event URL Yes Yes Yes
    Donations Yes Yes Yes
    Event Page Facebook Application - Yes Yes
    Lead Capture - - Yes
    Livestream Audience Booster - - Custom
    Simultaneous Streaming - - Custom
    Pay-Per-View - - Custom

    Player Features & Event Distribution
    Seamless Integration & Compatibility

    Viewing / Broadcasting on iOS and Android Devices Yes Yes Yes
    Cloud Transcoding & RTMP Input Yes Yes Yes

    Support and Account Management

    Tranining & Onboarding - - Custom
    Dedicated Event Support - - Custom
    Dedicated Account Management - - Custom
    Support Email Premium Support
    by Email & Phone
    Premium Support
    by Email & Phone